About Karen Beverlin, The Produce Hunter

Karen Beverlin is the Vice President of Specialty Sales for The Produce Hunter. The Produce Hunter curates the Farmers’ Markets, and works with small, local family farmers committed to sustainable agriculture, responsible production, and propagation and promotion of fruit and vegetables with exceptional flavor. Follow her as she finds the best of the Santa Monica Farmers Market every week with on Instagram (@fpproducehunter).

Peach Heirloom Tomato *L*S*O*

PEACH HEIRLOOM TOMATOES are one of the very smallest heirloom varieties. They are a beautiful golden-orange color, have slightly fuzzy skin, and truly outstanding flavor. They are just fuzzy enough to give their skin a matte finish but not nearly as fuzzy as a peach. PEACH HEIRLOOM TOMATOES would be a great addition to an…

Pepper Tomato

All the rumors you’ve heard are true. It is possible to cross a tomato with a bell pepper! Who would want to cross a tomato with a bell pepper? you ask. Well, we should never underestimate the creativity and vision of America’s farmers. These PEPPER TOMATOES have the structural appearance of a blocky-type bell pepper,…

Banana Blossom

The deep purplish-crimson-colored BANANA BLOSSOM is used as a vegetable from Sri Lanka to Laos. The flower is borne at the end of the stem. Long, slender, sterile male flowers with a faint sweet fragrance are lined up in tidy rows and protected by large reddish bracts. Higher up the stem are groups of female…

Bread Fruit

No one tasting Bread Fruit for the first time is likely to dispute that it is an acquired taste (and texture). Bread Fruit is used almost exclusively as a vegetable, generally when wholly or partly green. When completely green, the raw Bread Fruit is hard and starchy, like a raw potato when slightly ripe, the…


‘He was a brave man who first ate an oyster’, goes the old saying. Well, a man that brave pales in comparison to the man who first ate a DURIAN. Banned from most airlines for their sewer-reminiscent odor, durians originated in Malaysia or Borneo and have always been considered, for reasons beyond our ken, an…

Gold Kiwi

Sometimes, it’ s a little difficult to work bright green into the color scheme of a presentation. Well, Gold Kiwi brings a completely different color and flavor (beautiful yellow-gold and a bit of a mango taste with hints of melon) to salads and recipes. It is quite sweet, very juicy. Gold Kiwi has a smoother,…

Jack Fruit

Jack Fruit originated in India and is the world’ s largest tree fruit, and can weigh up to 40 kilograms. The skin of the fruitis light green, deepening to yellow-brown when ripe, and covered in hard, knobby spines. Inside, the fruit is divided into numerous segments (pericarps) which are encased in stringy, white tissue of…

Star Fruit (Carambola)

Native to China, India and Indonesia, Carambola is also known as starfruit, thanks to its appearance when sliced cross-wise. The preferred way of eating them in tropical countries is half-ripe, dipped into or lightly sprinkled with salt. The Carambola’ s skin is very thin and shiny, and the fruit needs only to be washed, not…

Tahitian Pineapple

One taste of these small Tahitian Pineapples sent us scrambling for our refractometer. Our palates were dead on…these little gems registered a strong 16. Flown to us from Tahiti via New Zealand, these Pineapples will have you reaching for sunscreen, and a second helping. Tahitian Pineapples are so sweet that they are best appreciated when…

Yellow Seedless Watermelon

Two schools of thought have emerged regarding the origin of watermelon: Some historians posit India as the place of origin, and others believe this very popular melon is native to Africa. Yellow Seedless Watermelon have bright yellow flesh and a more delicate (some might say dull) flavor than the red-fleshed varieties. Like all seedless watermelon…

Okinawa Sweet Potato

A native of the Japanese island Okinawa, the Okinawa Sweet Potato with its light brown skin and unusual purple flesh is richly nutritious and surprisingly sweet. Scientifically classified as a yam, this root vegetable is a staple among the people of Okinawa and Hawaii, and has surpassed the popularity of the ordinary yam due to…

FM Heirloom Spitzenburg Apple *L*S*

The Spitzenburg Apple is aromatic revealing its sweetness simply by holding it up to your nose. Spitzenburgs have a distinctive and persuasive smell when opening the box, slicing, eating and especially when baking the Apple. These Apples are greatly desired for baking pastries and pies because of their rich and sharp sweetness and their fragrance…

FM Warren Pear *S*O*

The Warren Pear is a deliciously sweet and juicy Pear. This variety was discovered by Thomas Oscar Warren as outside of a post office in Mississippi. The origin prior to his discovery is unknown and people have fallen in love with the delectable flavor and mysterious history. Warren’s are soft and lack the grittiness of…