About Karen Beverlin, The Produce Hunter

Karen Beverlin is the Vice President of Specialty Sales for The Produce Hunter. The Produce Hunter curates the Farmers’ Markets, and works with small, local family farmers committed to sustainable agriculture, responsible production, and propagation and promotion of fruit and vegetables with exceptional flavor. Follow her as she finds the best of the Santa Monica Farmers Market every week with on Instagram (@fpproducehunter).

Crimson Peach (New Zealand)

Are your amenity baskets looking a little pedestrian? Is your favorite pastry chef bored with apples? We’ ve got just the item to brighten up your winter fruit line-up. Crimson Peaches are New Zealand’ s answer to the Indian Red peach. Dark red exterior with dark red flesh, the attributes of these unusual peaches go…

White Peach

China grew the ” Tao” , or peach, over 2,500 years ago, revering the 8 as a symbol of longevity and immortality. The White Peach is renown for its low acid and high sugar content. When ripe it has a most fragrant aroma. A peach’ s flavor is best when warm so let any refrigerated…

Sea Bean

The Sea Bean is a marsh plant native to the coastal areas of Northwest Europe. This attractive leafless plant is also known as salicornia, samphire, marsh samphire, glasswort, and sea asparagus. The Sea Bean, with its dark-green or reddish branching stalks, both looks and tastes like seaweed, but is actually a plant that grows in…

Soy Beans in Pod *L*S*

Heralded by some as the perfect food, SOYBEANS are the basis for protein-rich processed foods such as soy milk, tofu and tempeh. In her book “Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone”, Deborah Madison calls the SOYBEAN “the cow of the Orient”. When blanched in salted water, fresh SOYBEANS become Edamame, a very popular snack in Japan and…

Spadona Chicory

We’ve had chefs taste many different varieties of Chicory (commercially grown Dandelion, Red Dandelion, Catalogna) and without a doubt Spadona Chicory has the best flavor of them all! Unlike Spinach, Spadona Chicory takes a while to cook, so it is perfect for braising. Even when fully cooked this yummy green maintains good texture with a…

Spanish Roja Garlic *L*S*O*

SPANISH ROJA is an heirloom hardneck Rocambole variety garlic famous for its flavor. With brown to red skin, large cloves (8-12 per bulb), and flavor described as superb, strong, deep, classic, and rich, SPANISH ROJA was originally imported from Spain. Rocambole varieties are not very pretty to look at, but what they lack in beauty,…

Stalk Brussels Sprouts

Yes, surprising as it is, this is really how Brussels sprouts grow! Stalk Brussels Sprouts are visually arresting in floral arrangements, and when they are cut from their stalks and cooked immediately…you can’ t get much fresher. Only available during the California Brussels sprout season, Brussels Sprouts on Stalks are a favorite with specialty retailers….

Stinging Nettles

Stinging Nettles are green-leafed 2 with stinging hairs that leave an itchy rash on the skin when they are touched. There are two varieties: the greater nettle which grows up to 5 feet in height and the lesser nettle which grows to only about 1 foot tall. The lesser nettle (California Wild Nettles shown here)…

FM Yellow Sugar Crisp Carrot *L*S*O*

These big, yellow carrots are amazingly juicy, crisp and sweet. A Nantes variety, Sugar Crisp Carrots are very desirable for several reasons: 1) Their bright yellow color is a colorful change from traditional orange carrots, 2) their juicy texture is worlds apart from commercially grown carrots, and 3) their sweet flavor is a welcome surprise….

Sunflower Sprouts

Tender sunflower sprouts are the largest of the sprouted seeds. They have succulent white stalks three to five inches long that sport two soft green leaves. A living food, they are easy to digest and packed with fiber, protein, enzymes and essential fatty acids, making them a favorite of the whole foods crowd. Don’t be…

Sunrise Red Carrot *L*S*O*

Dark maroon exterior hides orange flesh and a golden yellow core the visual impact of these very large Carrots is arresting, but it is their flavor and texture that wowed us! Very sweet, with a deep, spicy flavor, Sunrise Red Carrots also have a very fine texture. They have very few rootlets and for prep…